Topic: perfume

Blue Oasis

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If you're refering to me - Thanks! I always like reading your posts as well you share alot of the same views as me!
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Topic: perfume

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

This is the new perfume from jennifer lopez, called Live. Its really good. i brought it last week. the smells lasts 6 hrs according to pack, but when i put it on its only for a few hours 2-3. .

I really want to try that (the advert was really cool!) all her perfumes smell great, I like Glow best.

Oh and Ash after about 40 mins you can't smell perfume on yourself anymore but other people can (your synapes stop transmitting the scent, like after a while you can't hear the clock ticking away in the background anymore). Always buy Eau de Parfum version of the perfume, it has more alcohol content and lasts much longer.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Topic: perfume

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

dunno wat joop smells like, but if u like perfumes, u gotta have good taste, so ur probably right. .
hey wat dou think of men and too much afteshave?

Joop smells nice.

Two things come to mind when I come across a man with too much cologne or aftershave.

1: If his hair is also greasy - he's hidding B.O.

2: If hair looks clean - he's an idiot who doesn't know how to wear scent and probaby just poured the perfume all over his clothes.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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BadShaH1 said:

no.. way.

yeah Ashkhan, it's a desi girl's battery which runs out at 25 not a boys.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

... but since a girl is unable to physically secure herself from things. i think girls just feel very intimadated and scred when a guy flirts. cos u never know whats on their mind...

You've hit the nail on the head also if a girl isn't interested, she is usually seen as showing 'nakra' by the guy and his friends, so to prove to his friends his 'manliness' he continues to flirt with the girl under peer pressure.

of course not all guys are like that, you get the rare decent one.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Topic: bipasha

Blue Oasis

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translation please
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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as for if a guy finds out that his wife is also a flirt, well *sighs* the sad thing is that when a women flirts she is called a slut, but a man is called charming.

I've been told by one of friends (who is a guy) that a man will date a girl who is flirty but wants to marry a girl who has never even spoken to a guy! uhm yeah double standards.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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By litteral translation, flirting is to make playfull romantic/sexual overtures.

Flirting can be harmless, it depends on how far the guy takes it - when flirting becomes too much than it's no longer flirting but 'coming on to someone' which of course is haraam.

I think all guys are a little bit of flirts, even the shareef ones.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Topic: perfume

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

mine all time is chanel, madimoselle, and no.5. but too expensive, true classics. tommy girl was good too, but too old now. until last week it was lacoste, touch of pink, but the new one from J-lo, Live is very, very nice. beats lacoste. miami glow, from J-lo was really good, but has discontinued. shame. there is no such thing as too much perfume. for me smell is the most important thing. guy perfume suck in a bottle, but rock on guys. esp fit ones.

You have really good taste! I love perfumes more than anything, most of money goes to buying them and my friends always know they will get a perfum from me on their birthdays

But I'm very picky and can tell if someone's wearing a truely expensive or good perfume ( good perfumes have a talcum like undertone and cheap ones a sharp sticky one)

At the moment I love Beyond Paradise, it smells like a note from every season and the bottle looks it has magic inside it! Hugo Deep Red and Very Irristable are also great, and for boys Armani Night, Issy, Farenhiet (sp?) and Polo Blue.
Posted 04 Oct 2005

Topic: hottest actor

Blue Oasis

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leo was really hot when he was younger ( in romeo and juliet) but after he gained weight and age...he's not so cute anymore
Posted 29 Sep 2005

Topic: hottest actor

Blue Oasis

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1love_onlySRK said:

adam sandler is not really hot...but anyway keanu reeves is alright...

yeah i don't find either of them really attractive. but ashton krutcher should have made the list he has an amazing bone structure
Posted 29 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Islamophobia - Spot on SD My group stressed the importance of not forming stereotyped based on what you see of muslims in the media.

As for the validity of the media, well there's no smoke without fire, but it's important to form your views using a variety (at least 3) of different sources so you get a more precise picture. Just like the research you do when doing homework or a project, you use many different books, net, cds, lecturers.
Posted 29 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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SD you always speak in a level headed, mature and resonable manner, I feel stimulated with your posts and always look forward to reading your reply!

I'm not biased in the issue of Palestine, I was just seeing the argument from both views.

As far as the morals of war and politics go I have one view regardless of who the war is with: I am against anything which kills innocents regardless of who they are - jews, muslims atheists, be it by natural calimities, war, famine, malaria etc. I don't need to see photos of people suffering, I'm a hospice volenteer and see children die on a weekly basis. I know how the smell of napham victims smells like roost meat and what it feels like to consoul a mother who's lost her only son in a war that nothing to do with her.

I also know that everything in the news is in a properganda form in way or another another, I studied the Cold War at great depth in college and am all to informed about the power of media. A few years ago I was part of a big college project which aimed to raise awarness about diversity, since we are mult-ethnic, the topic me and my group of 5 chose to give lectures in London on (this was to the MP and a large group professionals from various practices)
was ISLAMOPHOBIA. We explained how much the media was to blame for it and how to avoid it.

Don't worry about my foot, it's been in a lot worse places and gotten out fine   
Posted 27 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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SRk you have no proof to back up any of your accusations, not only does this make your argument weak but makes you look like a rather bad example of a Mod.

Did Blair make a public statement or personally come and tell you he was happy about the war? I don't think so.

You're ment to have respect for people on this forum not spread racial hate. If you hate white people that's your problem and you have to keep it to yourself.

If you are going to debate about this issue with me you better agrue with hard facts that you can back up with creditable sources, otherwise I will continue to cut you down and waste both of our time and effort.
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Topic: Tekken 5

Blue Oasis

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you seemed to imply it.
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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that's not sign language
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Chandramuki said:

BadShaH1 said:

i hope Rita just passes over washington and leaves dead like in afghanistan and in iraq.

One khateeb of a masjid was sentenced to life imprisonment for urging the muslims for jihad.

yea like all the attacks were being made due to his speeches.

One thing for sure Chandramukhi, they hate u. dont be fooled,they do hate u.

Well I hate fanatics and extreamists, espicially those who use and abuse the name of religion for their own selfish goals. I'm disgusted by your thoughts of killing, instead of praying for God to show everyone the right path you're hoping for the death of innocent people. Islam isn't something exclusive to the Arabs or Pakis, it's a universal concept which isn;t racist like you.

And you don't know me BadShah to make comments on who hates me or those of my skin colour (which you also don't know). Who is this 'they'? Sterotyping is ignorant and wrong.
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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BadShaH1 said:

i hope Rita just passes over washington and leaves dead like in afghanistan and in iraq.

One khateeb of a masjid was sentenced to life imprisonment for urging the muslims for jihad.

yea like all the attacks were being made due to his speeches.

One thing for sure Chandramukhi, they hate u. dont be fooled,they do hate u.

Well I hate fanatics and extreamists, espicially those who use and abuse the name of religion for their own selfish goals.

And you don't know me BadShah do make comments on who hates me or those of my skin colour (which you also don't know). Who is this 'they'? Sterotyping is ignorant and wrong.
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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BadShaH1 said:

Britons britons voted against the war in iraq, yea sure Toney blair is american i assume??

I don't agree with your values and know they are not the values of the muslim majority. Tony Blair has the power to make the choice of what country we go to war with, every world leader has that power, that doesn't mean it's what his people want because no civilian wants war it's their men who are dying not the leaders.

If you research on the stats you will know that the public oppossed sending our troops overseas. Haven't you heard the case of Dr Kelly? His death proved that even high standing officials in the parliment were against the war in Iraq.

Politics is dirty.
Posted 26 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Justice demands that Muslims should neither feel pleased with the misery of others, or retaliate against them, in accordance to the Islamic rule (5:8).

O you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do.

The principle of mercy in dealing with the others is the basis Islam has instituted in its legal and ideological framework..
Posted 25 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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i m kool myself tt
Posted 25 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Posted 25 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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what proof do you have that no one cared? in the Sky servay 78% of Britans voted against the war in Iraq. You have to stop saying things which aren't true srk
Posted 25 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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omg ashkhan you shouldn't have given her the necklace in the first place! why didn't you just buy her chocolates or something? Infact when she got upset with you over such a small thing you should have realised then what type of person she was.

All I can say is she's not good enough to deserve your friendship, stop regretting and learn from it. You know they say it's better to be alone than in bad company.

I think regrets come with age, the older you are, the more you've been through
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Topic: Tekken 5

Blue Oasis

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SohniKuddi said:

to kick butt i tend to choose my team, eddy, hwoarang, unknown and jun.

i havent played tekken 5 but is that similar to the tag tournament game? i played tekken 1 and 2..they are roughly the same but they have fewer characters.

Wow good team Sohni, unknown is so cool esp her warewolf creature. I haven't played Tekken 5 yet, my brother has and says the gaming system of Tekken Tag is still better than 4 or 5. 2 is a classic but the controls are kinda slow
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Topic: Tekken 5

Blue Oasis

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Don't be silly Anna is too old Hworang And my information is based on playing the whole games myself, seeing all the endings and being an addict on tekken zaibatsu
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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you say some very strange things srk good people care when anyone innocent dies
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Glad you liked the pics Baby    any favorites?
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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If you write your story on or fictionpress (google search for full link) they will copyright it for you for free
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis

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Death toll for the Katrina was over a thousand, reports confirmed two days ago I hope Rita sweeping over Texas doesn't have a similar story.
Posted 24 Sep 2005